The landscape in the gypsum’s areas in Sicily

  • Hypogeum, hilly and fluvial landscapes
  • Hypogeum and hilly landscapes
  • Hilly and fluvial landscapes
  • Lacustrine landscape
  • Costal marine landscapes

In Sicily gypsum outcrops create suggestive and diversified landscapes as result of tectonic events, the processes of modeling done by atmospherics agents and the climate and environmental change to which they have been subjected.

Landscapes in the Sicily’s gypsum represent complex of extraordinary scientific, panoramic and didactical interest:

  • for the great variety of superficial and subterranean shapes, unique in the Mediterranean basin;
  • fot their geographical location, that extend from the coastal areas to fluvial valley, from the lake to the hill and tableland.

Fluvial landscapes – characterized by valleys engraved by streams, which carry out an action of mechanical erosion and chemical dissolution.

Hilly landscapes – characterized by outcrops quite extensive, well-structured with different inclination of slopes.

Lakelands – characterized by the presence of a lake basin.

Coastal landscapes – they have been formed by the mechanical and chemical action of the wave motion.

Hypogeum landscapes – they have been formed in the subsoil.

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